Personalize every
interaction with
Gupshup Customer360

Tailor marketing campaigns and conversations based on customer history and real time actions

Personalize every interaction with Gupshup Customer360

Trusted by leading consumer brands globally


Build high-quality
first-party database for the conversational era

Auto-capture leads when prospects message you from click-to-chat ads, in-store QR codes or bots on digital assets

Automatically enrich customer profiles in real time with every link click, button tap and first-party data captured from conversations

Create a unified customer profile by stitching data from messaging and traditional channels such as Website, App, CRM etc

conversational era

Create granular segments to strengthen your marketing

Hot leads, warm leads, cold leads or new buyers, premium customers, inactive customers - define segments the way you want

Move beyond manual list creation and get ready access to segmented database

Capture explicit customer preferences and build zero party data through surveys, quizzes etc. on conversational journeys

Increase in buying intent by customer after asking questions on WhatsApp when redirected from Instagram click-to-chat ad

Drive engagement and growth with a range of campaigns

Automatically trigger journeys and nudges based on customer activity, such as abandoned carts

Broadcast campaigns to select segments on special days, festivals, birthdays and more

Target customers based on tier (Gold club, first-time buyer), preferences (vegan, formal, value) and more

Increase in buying intent by customer after asking questions on WhatsApp when redirected from Instagram click-to-chat ad

Bring every customer engaging with you under one roof


Unified Customer Profile

Automatically get a single view of the customer, complete with attributes, transactional and behavioral history


Integration with E-commerce Platforms

Fetch events, transactional activity and purchases on e-Commerce platforms such as Shopify


Unlimited Custom Attributes

Add custom attributes such as age, city, tier, region etc. based on your industry, audience preference etc.


Real-time Segment Updates

Always-on profile sync and live updates to segments to ensure right campaigns coverage

Bring every customer engaging with you under one roof

Orchestrate data-driven conversations to drive business outcomes

Drive conversions with tailored offers for customers who abandoned carts

Drive conversions with tailored offers for customers who abandoned carts

Drive conversions with tailored offers for customers who abandoned carts

Frequently Asked Questions
