Create innovative
campaigns with
AI Chatbots

Engage with your customers via voice bots and chatbots to campaign, capture leads, increase retention and maximise advertising ROI


Trusted by leading ad & digital agencies globally


Increase Awareness of your marketing messages

Identify, connect, converse and qualify leads through intelligent conversational ads and chat bots on web, WhatsApp, Google and more

Scale your message and automate contextual delivery to reach across all channels - WhatsApp, Instagram, Google’s Business Messages, Web and App

Convert offline prospects to digitally engaged audience leveraging Click-to-WhatsApp, conversational ads and commerce

Customer Awareness

Customer Awareness

Increase Awareness of your marketing messages

Capture Interest from prospects conversationally

Leverage AI-powered campaign manager to segment audience, and send context and sentiment aware brand messages

Give your brand a voice to remember and send personalised brand messages over WhatsApp voice notes, conversational voice calls

Improve ROI from leads by re-engaging with prospects on conversational channels like WhatsApp, Instagram and more

Customer Interest

Customer Interest

Capture Interest from prospects conversationally

Fulfill Desire with commerce automation

Move beyond leads and own the revenue by enabling aware and interested customers to repeatedly engage with new launches

Track your campaign’s KPIs and performance such as impressions, ad cost, and ROAS—all within one campaign dashboard

Recover abandoned carts by sending nudges on 30+ channels including WhatsApp and SMS, with easy payment links, all without making the customer visit your app/website again.

Customer Acquisition

Customer Acquisition

Automate peace of mind with 24/7 support

Why Choose Us?

25+ <span>pre-built</span> journeys

25+ pre-built journeys

An AI retail assistant with micro journeys including product discovery, size finder, product recommendation, FAQ, etc.

30+ channels

30+ channels

Integrate 30+ messaging channels through text, voice, and video to create a ‘shop anywhere’ experience.

Retail AI Brain

Retail AI Brain

A self-learning knowledge base complete with 170+ unique retail intents, topic modeling features, automated tag generation, and Q&A generation.

WhatsApp Commerce

WhatsApp Commerce

Scale your business and drive engagement by showcasing your product catalog on WhatsApp.

Consumer demand analytics

Consumer demand analytics

Get actionable retail insights such as potential new markets, products in demand, frequently asked queries, AI accuracy, and more.

Deploy in 4 weeks

Deploy in 4 weeks

OOTB integrations with leading CRM and eCommerce platforms for rapid data ingestion and faster go-to market.

Frequently Asked Questions
