Launch, manage, and monetize RCS business messaging

Offering a cloud communications platform for operators to drive revenue by enabling businesses to deliver secure, branded and interactive mobile experiences over RCS

Gupshup for Operators

Gupshup for Operators


RBM Managed Services

Bot Store

Robust Verification Process

Cloud deployment


  • The right MaaP partner

    The right MaaP partner

    RCS APIs, following GSMA FNW.11 specifications, Google RBM APIs, RichOTP(™) APIs, and Rich Notification APIs
    RichSMS - transforms plain text SMS from an unknown sender ID into a Rich message from a verified sender with Brand’s name and logo
    Integration with the major RCS platforms

  • End-to-end managed services

    End-to-end managed services

    Onboarding & verification of aggregators, brands and RBM Agents
    Management of RCS directory, triggers, and developer support
    24/7 support

  • Find or build chatbots

    Find or build chatbots

    Bots for customer care, billing, and more
    Bot Store to discover and connect with RCS bots
    User Reviews

  • Billing, Payment and Reconciliation

    Billing, Payment and Reconciliation

    Track billing from both domestic and international markets
    Download revenue reports
    Integrate them with your current invoicing system

An all-in-one RCS platform for Mobile Network Operators

  • An all-in-one dashboard

    Manage deployment and verification monitor performance and revenue - from one-single dashboard

  • Upsell and cross-sell operator revenue

    Use RBM to make data purchases or modify subscriber plans. Additionally, makes it simple to cross-sell value-added services related to customer usage and purchase behavior

  • User Management

    Administer accounts at multiple levels with various access controls

  • Open a New Revenue Stream

    Capitalize on the RCS ecosystem and open a new revenue stream from conversational business messaging technology
