CitizenLink: Transforming Government-to-Citizen Conversations

    Designed to bridge the communication gap, improve access and drive high adoption of government services

    CitizenLink: Transforming Government-to-Citizen Conversations

    Trusted by government bodies across India


    Evangelize new schemes and initiatives at scale

    Reach millions of citizens in matter of hours and establish a 1-1 connection with each of them

    Make broadcasts contextual and relevant using demographics and past engagement data

    Ensure critical message delivery to every recipient with channel fallback in case of failure on primary channel

    Evangelize new schemes and initiatives at scale

    Grow citizen engagement with two-way conversations on chat

    Don’t stop at notifications - allow citizens to apply for schemes, ask questions and explore more, without administrative delays

    Engage citizens in their preferred language using Generative AI powered translation to 50+ languages

    Grow citizen engagement with two-way conversations on chat

    Resolve queries at scale through bots and agents

    Answer common queries by deploying AI-powered FAQ bots that understand vernacular natural language

    Deflect complex queries to deployed human agents - with complete context of chat history for frictionless support

    Simplify grievance filing process and send timely updates and status on the filed grievance to the concerned citizen

    Resolve queries at scale through bots and agents

    Why Citizen Link?


    Government centric

    Solutions for various bodies, from utilities and transportation to health and disaster management


    Rapid adoption

    Quick adoption by bridging awareness gap for citizens and connecting with governing bodies


    Faster turnaround

    Reduced burden on human agents and administration by using self-serve and AI powered bots


    Payment integrations

    Improved payment collections on messaging by utilities providers, tax authorities and more


    Digital eKYC

    Simplified KYC (Know Your Citizen) with guided flows and document collection. Lower effort for processes like Voter ID correction



    Reports on campaign delivery, engagement, user queries, resolution rate and more

    Why Citizen Link?

    Transform citizen experience with bespoke journeys

    Utilities and DISCOMs

    Send bills, collect payments, provide new connections and allow easy grievance submissions - all on rich messaging channels like WhatsApp and RCS

    Utilities and DISCOMs

    Success Stories

    MP electricity distribution company improves access to services for the state’s consumer base.

    MP electricity distribution company improves access to services for the state’s consumer base.

    Madhya Pradesh Madhya Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited (MPMKVVCL) is one of the 3 Electricity Distribution Companies (DISCOMs) in Madhya Pradesh, serving close to 5 million consumers.

    TNSDC’s chatbot has connected more than 1,000 jobseekers with potential employers

    TNSDC’s chatbot has connected more than 1,000 jobseekers with potential employers

    Launched two months ago, the chatbot has been able to accomplish enhanced employment opportunities for its users and has attracted more than 100 jobseekers daily to explore new job opportunities.

    Frequently Asked Questions
