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Super over strategy to win the acquisition game during IPL 2024

Learn how conversations can help brands win the conversion game off the field during the IPL Season.

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Key Takeaways

  • Learn how brands can ride the IPL wave to increase reachability
  • Uncover the conversation opportunities that brands can leverage to increase visibility during the IPL Season
  • Know how WhatsApp can help brands set up personalized conversations using AI-powered Bots
  • Discover industry-specific use cases for building awareness, engagement, and conversion using the WhatsApp Business

Quantifiable benefits of engaging with your customers in real-time

  • You tap into heightened emotions by aligning your marketing efforts with real-time events, encouraging quick responses and promotional offer opt-ins.
  • Increase conversions as offers are made more appealing with the urgency of “limited time” windows.
  • Providing valuable and timely content, like live updates and special offers, enhances the customer experience, making them feel valued and appreciated.
  • Being present in moments that matter to your customers reinforces their loyalty to your brand, carving it into their memories for future purchases.

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