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D2C & E-commerce FAQ

Conversational commerce is a form of e-commerce wherein brands and consumers interact through AI-powered assistants and chatbots in order to explore offerings, make transactions and receive services or get help with their purchases. It enables D2C and e-commerce brands to provide instant, personalized experiences that consumers might appreciate more and help them feel connected with the brand. Your customers can easily discover products, place orders, pay for the orders and track these orders on one messaging interface.

With conversational commerce, you can create a compelling experience for your shoppers and prospective customers. Leverage our AI-powered chatbot to expand your market reach and make conversational commerce secure and personalized. You can respond to customers in real-time and engage them in two-way conversations. Your business can make the purchase journey and customer support lifecycle conversational. The AI-layer helps convert your existing messaging workflows into conversations. As a business, protecting the privacy of your business and your customers at all times is imperative, and conversational commerce enables you to do that.

You can convert your existing SMS volume into conversation starters and eventually two-way conversations by embedding GIP links to your chatbot.

Our conversational commerce solutions for D2C and e-commerce brands involve capturing leads across social platforms, retention marketing, understanding the buying pattern of the customers, onboarding customers faster and cross/upsell them and providing exceptional customer support. Businesses with conversational commerce have seen improvements in conversion rates, increase in sales and decrease in overall customer call volumes.

Conversational commerce attracts probable customers who are looking to shop for a certain product on your app. Once they are on the app, they will be prompted to connect with a personal shopper to aid in their search or purchase. The shopper can converse with a chatbot, which is capable of providing information on products such as size, color and price. Conversational commerce further enhances the messaging experience for e-commerce companies by swapping in a human agent to provide recommendations when the chatbot is faced with a more open-ended or subjective question. 

You can use chatbots to send upcoming trend alerts and casual notifications to customers and promote products in real-time. Your customers can better monitor and keep track of their appointments, purchases, and shipped orders by simply chatting with a chatbot. Retail chatbots can also help you deliver highly targeted seasonal offers and update customers regularly on current and upcoming holiday promotions.

Yes, our social chatbot can help you monitor feedback on your social media channels and interact with your customers who share the feedback in a timely manner. The chatbot keeps an eye on major social media channels and gets triggered when your customers mention/comment/tag your brand name or brand page. The social chatbot interacts with your customers who post content, collects the necessary information, and creates a ticket in the support desk or CRM.