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SMART strategies to tap in to mobile consumer behavior

On September 26, 2017 | 5 Minutes Read
Conversational EngagementGeneric
Globally, the penetration and frequent usage of smartphones is a rising phenomenon. But what is it that majority of the customers view, read and listen to on their mobiles? And how can businesses leverage this behavior?

The Deloitte Mobile Consumer Survey 2016 research report speaks of this behavior and we have analyzed opportunities that businesses should consider.

#1: Mobile the more popular device, 4G the more favored technology

The report says that the penetration of smartphones has surpassed laptops. Moreover, the interest of people in buying tablets has softened as compared to previous two years. The research also found that there is an addiction to smartphones and it is used throughout the day to monitor various activities and remain updated. 4G adoption is expected to grow strongly to become the predominant data network; 45% respondents say they will upgrade to 4G in the next 12 months.

Businesses to Think Mobile, Plan Mobile and Execute Mobile

As per the report, checking bank balances, paying utility and services bills followed by transferring money within the country and abroad are the most popular financial transactions on smartphones.

This implies that customers consider paying bills as a repetitive task and they don’t want to spend too much time on this. Transactions can be done on the go and the availability of high-speed 4G and 5G technology is a key enabler for customers to transact securely and quickly.

Let’s make this task even quicker for customers and increase your brand’s recall and usage.

Transact, Promote and Track

Be relevant and interactive with your customer. Send him timely SMS alerts to pay his utility bills. Make this even more effective by using Gupshup’s cross-promotional API. Cross-promotional SMS is a way to influence customer behavior by up-selling or cross-selling new products at the moment of the transaction when the customer is in a receptive mood. In the content of the SMS, you can insert a link that redirects to your landing page. Gupshup’s Link Tracking has the ability to give you details of the customer’s mobile number, device type, time-stamp, carrier, circle, OS, IP and browser. This will make tasks quicker for customers.

Have a look at how the SMS can be presented to your customer.

#2: Instant messaging and social networking channels are the preferred media of communication

This research shows that the usage frequency has also increased for most data communications services. Instant messaging (74%), followed by social network (64%) and email (63%).

Another trend that has come to light is that whilst almost 80% of respondents use instant messaging at least once a week, it is the social networking and calling apps that are gaining momentum.

Among people who have an estimate, the majority of respondents have installed 20 apps or less. This is in addition to all the pre-installed apps.

Capitalize on GupShup’s SMART Messaging technology

We at Gupshup are constant innovators in the latest messaging technology and we had already anticipated this changing behavior. The SMS that you send to your customers can now be triggered on messaging apps like Facebook Messenger using our SMART Messaging platform.

Customers prefer to use fewer apps on their phone. They don’t need to be taught how to use Facebook Messenger and hence customer adoption for Facebook Messenger as a channel for business communication will be quicker.

Features of SMART Messaging – the pioneer of Conversational Marketing:

  • Multi-channel: SMS, FB, Telegram and more
  • 2-way communication: push and pull
  • Intelligent, engaging conversations
  • Rich graphical message formats
  • Channel-wise delivery reports
  • Read receipt confirmation
  • Secure, reliable, scalable

#3 Right time to reach out to customers

The research also found that communication services namely social networks and Instant Messaging are the two things consumers check on their smartphones, first thing in the morning and last thing in the day. These are followed by personal emails and text messages. 61% of respondents look at their devices in less than 5 minutes after waking up. The number swells to 88% comprising of people who take less than 30 minutes and 96% of the respondents take about less than an hour to peep into their handsets. Interestingly, 74% respondents look into their mobile phones about 15 minutes before preparing to sleep.

By this, we know the time when users are more receptive to checking their phones. According to this Gupshup’s SMART Messaging platform allows you to schedule campaigns capturing the most effective time of the day to market your business.

Charles Darwin once said, “It’s not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”. The change has already begun, are you present on the channels in which your customers are? You wouldn’t want to miss out on capturing your most important customers. Gupshup brings to you technology that enables your business to be most responsive to change. Businesses have already married technology to their brands; make sure you have done this too.

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