[Demo] Agent Assist: Help customers with live chat on messaging channels
Once upon a time, phone and email were the two options for customers to reach a business. Today, customers prefer to chat with a business over messaging apps.
While chatbots help businesses meet this expectation at scale, there are situations that are best handled by a human agent. But it’s complex for an agent to handle the range of messaging apps available today. At the same time, there is no straight answer to how managers should assign queries to agents within the resource constraints.
In this episode of Learn with Gupshup series, know:
- Why consider OTT messaging channels for customer support?
- The value of live omnichannel support
- How to imagine a support infrastructure in the evolving world
- Examples of live chat support across Pre-purchase, Purchase & Post-Purchase journeys
- Some upcoming live support use cases to keep an eye on, such as – Commerce over live chat, Click-to-call and chat, Lead Management, and Relationship Management
- Gupshup Agent Assist key features and Demo
Happy watching! 🙂